Okay, so every month I will post random things that I want... here goes nothing...
These OTK socks look luxurious. Damn girl! I would love a pair of these. I used to have an amazing and awesome collection of socks. I would always be buying socks. However now I have a pitiful collection. It is really quite sad. :( However these would be such a cool way to start building up my collection again!
OH MY GOSH!!! I have wanted a tutu for a long time. The hard thing was bringing myself to actually go look for one. Especially because I knew as soon as I saw it, I would want it. Which is the truth. I'm glad/sad I'm broke. I'm glad because I am sure that if I wasn't my credit card would be whipped out and this would have been purchased upon first sight. This is the same reason I am sad though. What a cute thing to add to my wardrobe.
This is a tshirt I would love to have considering the 50s lifestyle I try to lead. Would totally make my day.
Okay, so I am totally not a hello kitty person. I mean I get it, cute to the max. It's just not me and I feel like it is just waaaaaaaaaay too popular in the age-playing realm. However, I could not resist adding this to my list. Un-fucking-resistable.
Silly website won't allow me to photo link their leggings. I don't have a pair and I really
want some. So, that's on my list too. Even if you can't see the darned picture.
So, that's all for now. I might make this a weekly or monthly thing. Not sure yet... love to you all.
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