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Friday, October 23, 2009

Prompt- First time

What was your first sexual/play encounter with your current Owner like for you?

I know that I have outlined this before places, but talking about my first time with my Daddy is always something that I enjoy. We met online. We talked for months. I knew that I was attracted to him. I knew that my feelings for him, if he turned out to be everything that he said he was, had the potential to be great. Oh gosh, I remember that day *so* well. I was so nervous. Platinum dropped me off at the train station and I took the train downtown. His plane landed and he called me. I was sitting outside of a dunkin donuts [I got a french cruller] and waited. Sadly, the train from the airport to the hotel was broken down. He called, giving me updates and such. To be honest, I was a bit relieved because I was soooo damn nervous. He told me that at the exchange from train to bus he was just going to hail a cab. While I was excited that he would be there soon, I was nervous as hell because he was going to be there so soon.

I was intently watching the hotel entrance, which I could see from my outside seat at dunkin donuts. Everytime I saw a cab roll up my heart skipped a beat. Then... *the cab* rolled up. I knew it was the cab, because my Daddy is really tall. REALLY TALL. And a redhead. So he is really hard to miss. I stood up, and was on the phone with Mediterranean at the time [freaking out, "oh my god, there he is. oh my god..."] so I hung up quickly and tried to compose myself. He didn't just stand there and wait for me though, he was walking too. That's when I knew that I liked him. The fact that he was walking towards me too meant a lot. Which sounds weird, but whatever. We hugged when we met. I swear my heart was stopped at this point, either that or beating so fast that it felt like it stopped.

We went into the hotel and checked in. We held hands and I kept staring at him. Gosh he was handsome... still is of course. The elevators were super tiny and freaked me out, Daddy held me close. It was the most blissful feeling. Although I was still a ball of nerves. We weren't even in the room for ten minutes before we were all over each other. I remember seeing his cock and being a bit shocked. He is really thick. I straddled him and slid down on his thick cock. It was one of the most intense sexual experiences of my life. I was cumming by the time I slid all the way down. I cannot recall how many orgasms I had that first time, but it was a lot. He is a fantastic lover...

Thinking back on that weekend makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. I love him so much. That weekend was the start of it all. He is the man of my dreams. No, strike that, he is better than the man of my dreams. He is more than anything that I could have ever dreamed up. I am so in love with him.


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Keep in Mind

Please keep in mind that everything I write is my opinion and what works for me. Please don't ever feel like I am trying to force my ways on you, or that I feel your way is wrong. Things are different in every M/s, D/s, T/b relationship. What works for me may not work for you or the next person. It is all I know and therefore all I can write about. Please feel free to comment and let me know how your relationship or opinion differs though. :) Much love!


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