This was another hard one for me to think about. I had to pinpoint an exact moment, something that definitely was not easy. My feelings for my Daddy definitely began to develop before us meeting. Which makes sense. I wouldn't have met someone in that type of situation who I didn't have some sort of feelings for. However, I did not feel like I was submissive to him before that point.
The point that I felt that way was the first weekend we were together. There was one point on Sunday where Daddy was sitting on the bed and I was sitting at the floor below him. He was asking me questions about what I liked and didn't like about our escapades. It wasn't even a conscious decision on my part to sit in that position, it just sort of happened. I looked up at him while we were talking and I realized that I liked what we were doing. I felt right sitting at his feet. Looking up at him... it calmed me. The questions made me realize that he cared enough about me to ask them. I knew at that moment that I could continue with him, being his, being submissive to him.
Looking back at that time, it was... magical. I know how nervous I was, and yet so calm at the same time. I can't believe how far we've come. Nothing makes me happier than being his. It all started before that weekend, but that weekend made it all real. That was the weekend that I fell in love with my Daddy. It was the weekend that I realized that he was the perfect man for me. And it was sitting at his feet that I realized I was submissive to him.
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